Saqadah also known as General Charity is voluntary charity for the sake of giving and helping others.
Sadaqah Jariyah is a continuous, ongoing charity, usually done on behalf of the deceased. Please feel free to read more about it here.
Zakat is obligatory charity, calculated as 2.5% of someone’s wealth. Some refer to Zakat as Muslim tax. Please feel free to read more and calculate your Zakat here.
Fidyah is paid for when someone cannot fast in Ramadan due to helplessness (sickness, medication, elderly).
Kaffara is to be paid in circumstances where a fast is invalid or intentionally broken. A payment is then required for the broken fast along with the requirement to make up for that fast at a later stage (asap). If this is not possible, they are required to feed 60 poor people per each fast missed or broken at the rate of £3.50 per person (£7 per missed day, £420 for the whole month) [as of 2020].
What are the different stipulations/donation terminology?
Sadaqah/General Charity/Sadaqah Jariyah/Zakat/Fidyah/Kaffara
Lara Abou Alwan
Updated 3 years ago