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I'd like to understand more about Zakat
Lara Abou Alwan
Updated 10 months ago
Zakat is the third pillar of Islam.

It denotes the amount of wealth a Muslim must pay to certain groups of underprivileged people. Zakat itself is neither a tax nor a charity but instead a compulsory act of worship stipulated by Allah (swt) which signifies the responsibility and duty the rich have towards the poor.

As of 2024:

Nisab on gold is 87.48g / 7.5 Tolas (11.66g) valued at £4,523.44 (variable).
Nisab on silver is 52.5 Tolas (612.36g) valued at £350 (variable).

Zakat is due on the total amount including Nisab.

The Nisab on cash is worked out by sliver value, which means if someone had a saving of £350 or more for full year then he/she will pay 2.5% Zakat. One should pay £2.50 on each hundred as Zakat.

Please refer to the following links regarding calculating Zakat in sha Allah:

Please feel free to read more, calculate, and pay your Zakat here.

For any further questions, please refer to your local Imam.
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