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How can I contact my sponsored orphan?

I'd like to send my orphan a letter
Lara Abou Alwan
Updated 3 years ago
We recommend regular communication with your sponsored child, with letter writing being the preferred way. The process is as follows: simply attach a letter to an email, e.g. in Word, and we will get it across to the orphan carer. You should email us on including your donor ID and orphan ID.

When the child replies with a letter, we will send it across to yourself via email. We do recommend that letters are written in simple English so that they can be communicated effectively. If needed, the country office will translate the letter for the orphan to understand in their native language.

Donors can also send a letter to the Head Office: 148 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 5JE. We will then forward the letter to the respective countryโ€™s office.
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