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Great Charity Gifts certificate and card

How do the certificate and card look like?
Lara Abou Alwan
Updated 11 months ago
The card and certificate are both A5, with the certificate being separate then inserted into the card.

We currently have 17 card designs that can be found on our website (please follow the gifting procedure to view these in full):

Please make sure the enter a name, otherwise the certificate will not generate.

Below is an example of our 4 Chickens certificate. Depending on the item, the information changes. The layout is the same, however. The prices are not included, and the recipient will not know the gift is from you unless you mention your name in the message (if ordered via post).

Via email, the recipient will be able to see the gift is from you. This option can be removed if you contact the team.

You can view a video of the certificate inserted into the allocated card here in sha Allah.

For any further questions, please check our GCG FAQ, or contact us on

Happy gifting!
😞 😐 😃